Posts in category "Uncategorized"


Anchor Group Services: Reinforcing Security in Remote Landscapes – A Reconeyez Case Study

Anchor Group Services faced the unique challenge of securing sites in rural areas with limited access to mains power and communication infrastructure.

25. Jan 2024, 3 min read

Redefining Video Verification Excellence

As major advances are made in video verification technology, Reconeyez emerges as the unparalleled leader, setting new benchmarks and outperforming competitors across the board. This comprehensive comparison showcases how Reconeyez has not only met but exceeded industry standards, affirming its status as the ultimate solution for advanced security needs and video verification.

7. Dec 2023, 3 min read
Kadri-Ann Mägi

Marketer’s POV: Installing Reconeyez

Every marketer knows that a deep understanding of the product they promote is essential. When I first joined the Reconeyez team, I asked if I could test this innovative system myself.  Installation, I was assured, was a breeze. The only time-consuming aspect was the initial setup, which could consume up to an hour. Subsequent installations,

14. Sep 2023, 5 min read

Enhancing Security in Logistics and Transportation

The logistics and transportation industry in the United States face a range of physical security challenges that can disrupt operations, compromise assets, and pose risks to personnel safety. In this article, we will explore the main security challenges encountered by professionals in the sector and introduce an innovative security solution designed to effectively mitigate these

5. Jun 2023, 3 min read