We set our foot into the security industry in 2011 under the brand name Defendec, when Estonian Border Control started testing and using our products to monitor the Eastern border of the European Union. By 2018, our systems were used by the militaries in more than 30 countries. That is also when we decided to make a switch to the commercial sector. The sales cycle in the military sector was long, and we were too eager and ambitious to just sit and wait. So Reconeyez was born.
And rapid growth followed.
With each year, our production of devices (which, by the way, are developed and assembled in our headquarters in Tallinn), has doubled. And so has the team.
We believe that behind every success story is not just a person or two, but a whole team. This is why at Reconeyez, collaboration and the sharing of knowledge are so highly valued. It’s a win-win. We’re not here just to develop a market-leading security system, but we’re also constantly developing ourselves as individuals. Among our colleagues are more than 40 full-time professionals working in Estonia, the UK, Italy, and the USA.
Send an email to info@reconeyez.com to get started.