Construction case study

Opalstone Group – Road Construction Project

Opalstone Group specializes in construction, infrastructure, and vacant property security. Every project is carefully designed and delivered to exceed customer expectations, backed by 24/7 monitoring and response services.

Project background

The project is for a 1km long new road access road to form a new roundabout complex for a mixed use development for The Harworth Group. Howard civil engineering are the main contractor for the ground movement and construction works. During the project over 1 million tonnes of earth will be moved to make way for the roundabout complex. This is a £3.5m project.


There were 3 different phases to protect collectivity at the Rockignham project in northern England. Every plot was remote and the civil works consisted of multiple roundabouts and miles of through roads. There was no power or internet connection and the objective was to secure compounds cabins, site generators, diesel bowsers and plant from theft and vandalism.

Why Reconeyez?

Having full visibility of the cloud platform and being able to remotely moderate sites. We provide detailed reports to customers to give them peace of mind, and the high quality images are especially useful for incident reporting. The categorizing of events is vital to identify people, trucks, and cars separately.


Reconeyez works without the need for mains power, cabled communications and is highly ruggedized, so we can install it in the most challenging locations and provide good detection coverage and high-quality images.