Reconeyez time-lapse video service: watch a house turn into a home


28. Sep 2023, 2 min read


The owners of this house had the opportunity to put our time-lapse video service to the test. We asked them to share their thoughts:

“When we were presented with the chance to employ time-lapse to document the renovation’s progress, our excitement knew no bounds. Our initial goal was to create a timeless record of how we transformed an old structure into our cherished home, but the benefits of time-lapse exceeded our expectations.

🕒 Time-lapse proved to be a game-changer, saving us both time and money. No longer did we have to make the lengthy 40-minute drive to the house just to check if the construction crew had arrived as scheduled. Instead, we could effortlessly monitor the latest updates from the site with a simple click, every 30 minutes.

🏗️ Efficiency soared to new heights. Case in point, we wisely postponed wet cellulose insulation work when we noticed snowfall at the construction site, while our primary location enjoyed clear weather. In the absence of time-lapse, a worker might have wasted precious time commuting to the house, only to declare the weather unsuitable. Fortunately, time-lapse spared us from such hassles.

🌟 Most importantly, time-lapse provided us with unparalleled peace of mind. We could witness the construction team’s daily progress no matter where we were. This invaluable feature allowed us to stay closely connected to the project’s evolution, all from the comfort of a distance.”

For more information about time-lapse video service, please visit


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